Find a Decorative Painter in Churchville, Haverford, Doylestown or Holland, PA

Contact Artistic Impressions Decorative Painting for service nationwide

The owner of Artistic Impressions Decorative Painting specializes in trompe l'oeil painting, gilding, Venetian plaster installation and antique furniture refinishing. Although based in Churchville, PA, he gladly serves clients across the U.S.

Call 215-397-8962 now to schedule a consultation.

You can also contact us using the form on this page.

  • Artistic Impressions Decorative Painting

    Churchville, PA 18966


    Call Us
    (215) 397-8962

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    Mon: 7:30AM-9:00PM
    Tue: 7:30AM-9:00PM
    Wed: 7:30AM-9:00PM
    Thu: 7:30AM-9:00PM
    Fri: 7:30AM-9:00PM
    Sat: 7:30AM-9:00PM
    Sun: Closed